Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Champions Youth Conference 2009

Hello Everyone!

I had a dream...Everything starts with a dream... or with a thought...

Almost ten years ago Paul had a dream about a youth conference that would reach out to the Scottish young people right here in Scotland. Something that would be of excellence, something that would absolutely change their life for God!

This dream came to pass in Champion's National Youth Conference when five Scottish youth leaders caught the same vision. They came together with Paul and invited Pastor Eric Peoples from Manchester, CT as a guest speaker to launch the very first conference last year.

And now a year later, we had our second Champions Conference.

Over 300 young people came to the conference from all over Scotland. Paul and the team have worked hard preparing for this three day conference. It was truly a success! The first night 50 people raised their hand to reconfirm their commitment to the Lord and three raised their hand for salvation. We also had many youth come down to the altar with tears in their eyes surrendering their hearts to the Lord. God showed up!

Love and Blessings, Paul and Heini

Here are some photos.

This years Guest Speaker Paul Reid

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Front Entrance

Dear family and friends,

"Rome was not build in a day" is the famous saying, which we have had to relate to a few times in the past year. As we look at the task of renovating our church, the building is over 100 years old and it has not been decorated since the 1960's. However, we are advancing one step at a time, and have gained momentum to see things change and become more up-to-date.

Here is an update how the building is being renovated...
This past week we laid a new floor in the pastor's office...

One of the big projects that we have been working on the last few weeks is the front entrance. Here is a picture before anything started.

Here the work starts. We pulled out the "old" front entrance box which was meant to keep wind and rain out. The reason for this removal was to have more room and natural light shining through. Next we took out the old ceiling to put up a stronger one. We also added new lights to make the room brighter.

A new front door is being installed in the next picture. We are praising God for the financial provision for this door. We had taken a step of faith and ordered it, believing Him for a miracle.
A few days later, after the order, we had received a message from the States that a children's ministry had sent 3,000 pounds to pay for this accessory for the front hall. This donation covered the full bill for the door. Praise God!

A new laminate floor is being installed.
After plastering all the walls, we had put a fresh touch of paint on.

We are so grateful for all who have partnered with us in this project!

Our children Josiah and Gloria are a huge part in our ministry in Scotland.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hallelujah Party

Hello Friends!

The world celebrates Halloween, we celebrated Jesus Christ through Hallelujah Party on the 31st October. We had a great night with lots of kids coming from the community. We were able to share a simple message of the gospel and play fun games and have good food...and of course we had a great time! Sunday morning one of the mum's came to church and with tears in her eyes she gave her heart to the Lord. Praise God! Thank you for praying!

Here are some Photos...Love and Blessings, Paul and Heini


Feeding the donut game...

Simple gospel message
Time for worship

Heini and Tracy-Ann

Great job everyone - now cleaning time...