Friday, July 9, 2010

Sanctuary renovations

Hello again!
As many of you know our church building is over 100 years old and in a desperate need of decoration..Little by little we are tackling one area after another. The most current update is our sanctuary. The old pulpet had to go, so that we can get in a baptism tank... The work is not finished yet but the old pulpet is are some pictures... Work in progress...
Blessings, Paul and Heini
Our daughter, Gloria (4) exploring in the construction area...

And our son, Josiah (5) helping daddy

Part of the old pulpet that is coming down

Piece by piece...

Pastor Ken who dismanteled the old pulpet talking with Pastor Paul.

Pastor Ken working hard

We had also added a new power projector to the ceiling and needed
to get all the way to the top with the scaffolding

Children's VBS

God is sooo good!

We have an other team with us for a week from New York. They arrived on Tuesday the 6th July and they will be with us until Wednesday 14th July.
They are helping us organise children's VBS for three nights. Last night was our first night. Around 50 children from the community showed up. During the day the team has been evangelising and doing face painting in the local park. God has opened up some great conversations with people in the community.

Please pray that all goes well tonight and tomorrow night. Children's ministry has been one of the most fruitful ministries in our church. Parents are starting to come along to the church as they see how their children are enjoying the programme and new friendships!
Here are few photos...Love, Paul and Heini
Getting ready for VBS - decorating the church
Tariq Shaw - The team leader
Children doing a craft
Everyone is having fun!

Charity Shop

Hi everyone!!

I know we have been telling you a little bit about the charity shop along the way but here is the final update with finally some photos..
We run the shop from beginning of March through 3rd July 2010.
God is so good and blessed us tremendously with the shop..Not just relationally but financially as well...

"As you sow you also reap" says the bible so we felt we had to do some sowing... Huge is the financial need we have as a church with all our construction projects etc...So it's better to trust all our burdens in His hands and do as the word says.

So we decided to "sow" some finances to a group called Fire Starters. They are even as we write in Kenya building a well in a small town and also reconstructing a roof to a church...
We were able to raise quite a bit of money for Fire Starters and also for the local community women by blessing them with a discounted rate to go to Bradford, England to a womens conference in Adundant Life Centre.
The last month of June we raised a bit over thousand pounds towards our own church projects...Praise God!

Here are pictures from the charity shop. The women who worked hard each day in the shop loved it so much that they are praying that God would give us a new shop closer to the church! Please pray that God would endeed open up a new door for a new charity shop in the east end of Glasgow. Love, Paul and Heini