Hello from Scotland!!!
Since the month of March we have been priviledged to host Glasgow Prophetic Center on Monday nights at Champion Life Church. Emma Stark, director of GPC, has been teaching on the topic "School of the Supernatural." We have seen over 150 people come out each night. Worship & the teaching has been powerful.
Emma is a gifted bible teacher with a prophetic calling on her life. God is using this gift in her, and as well in others, to reach not only the church and edify God's people, but to also reach the lost who are looking for the supernatrual in the wrong places. Emma has brought forth a biblical perspective on topics such as: the believer's authority, angels & how God uses them in our lives, open heavens, signs, wonders & the miraculous power of God available for every Christian's life.

Emma Stark: Director of GPC

Prayer impartation

People flock to the altar for prayer...

People are hungry and God is moving in Glasgow, Scotland!