Most of you have heard that we were given a church building and we are now revitalizing a church in East side of Glasgow city. The church is called Life Church. We believe that God wants to reach the people of Scotland with the message of hope and deliverance. Scotland, with its rich history of revival, is now a land of hopelessness and darkness. With only 2% of it’s 5.1 million people attending church on any given Sunday, hundreds of churches have closed within the past few years. Many of the churches have been acquired and reopened as recreational facilities, nightclubs and mosques...
The transition happened in the end of April and almost right away we came to America for the month of June to raise more awareness of what has been happening in Scotland.
We had a great trip back in the States. New contacts were made and we felt that the trip was a success. Our wheels have been spinning since we got back. Meeting with people from the church, connecting with the children and doing outreach to the community has brought us into a new level of pastoral leadership. Almost right after when we arrived back to Scotland we hosted a team of 11 people from Arkansas. We had a very successful week. The team organised a children crusade on three days, and on the fourth day we did a family day in a small park area right behind the church building. Praise God, about 20 kids gave their lives to the Lord for the very first time in their lives! On Saturday there were about 50 kids just playing and having fun on our family fun day. It was a great way to meet some of the parents.
Well, we have taken quite a few minutes of your time as you have been reading our blog. We appreciate your time and ask that you would keep us in your prayers as we continue our new exploits in Scotland.
In Him,
Paul and Heini & kids
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