In the beginning of August we were priviledged to have a team from New Jersey with us for few days. We had a great time reaching out to the children and families of Glasgow. Over 70 children came to our kids programme and most of them received Jesus into their hearts!
Praise God!
Please keep praying for all these seeds that were planted. We are continuing our weekly children's programme every Tuesday night. Please pray that the Lord would send more people into our paths who would have a heart to work with children... The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. These children have a special place in our hearts, many of them come from broken homes and many have suffered from abuse. We want to bring healing through the love of Christ into these little beautiful hearts.
Love, Paul and Heini
Here are few photos from our kids programme!

Doors are wide open for kids to come in!

Welcome!! We are ready to have fun!

Praise God we had a great turn out! Over 70 kids came along!

Time for a craft...
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