Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ladies Bible Study

Hey, back so soon :)
This has already been a great year starting for Champion Life Church and again, we just can't wait to share about it! Our first week of January we had a ladies Bible study on the book of James. Our intern student Taryn taught the course of this week and had such a great time teaching it as well as preparing for it.
This week was titled "A walk in the park with James". A name partly out of pure irony that the book of James is anything less than a walk in the park. But also to describe each chapter as we walked through it. Learning how to "live it" when our dear friend James takes us through different emotions on our "walk in the park" together. I'm sure you know the kind of walks I mean... those most priceless and honest times with friends that encourage you to press on in life wherever you're at.
The outcome of this week was far beyond expectations and a divine appointment for each one of us individually! Every night was full of God through prayer, His very presence, His word and His gentle whispers to us. So amazing. A few weeks have passed since the Bible study and you can tell by some of these ladies, that it was not just something they appreciated but they applied. That it did more than touch them but changed them. God is so good!
Dinner and fellowship times

The troops!

Taryn going over some last minute notes.

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